I want to make a window in Tk that has a custom titlebar and frame. I have seen many questions on this website dealing with this, but what I'm looking for is to actually render the frame using a canvas, and then to add the contents to the canvas. I cannot use a frame to do this, as the border is gradiented.
According to this website: http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/canvas.htm#Tkinter.Canvas.create_window-method, I cannot put any other canvas items on top of a widget (using the create_window
method), but I need to do so, as some of my widgets are rendered using a canvas.
Any suggestions on how to do this? I'm clueless here.
EDIT: Bryan Oakley confirmed that rendering with a canvas would be impossible. Would it then be possible to have a frame with a custom border color? And if so, could someone give a quick example? I'm sort of new with python.
You can use the canvas as if it were a frame in order to draw your own window borders. Like you said, however, you cannot draw canvas items on top of widgets embedded in a canvas; widgets always have the highest stacking order. There is no way around that, though it's not clear if you really need to do that or not.
Here's a quick and dirty example to show how to create a window with a gradient for a custom border. To keep the example short I didn't add any code to allow you to move or resize the window. Also, it uses a fixed color for the gradient.
Here is a rough example where the frame, titlebar and close button are made with canvas rectangles:
If I were going to make a custom GUI frame I would consider creating it with images,
made with a program like Photoshop, instead of rendering canvas objects.
Images can be placed on a canvas like this:
More info →here←