Is it possible to get the IP address of the device using some code?
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Simply use Volley to get the ip from this site
If you have a shell ; ifconfig eth0 worked for x86 device too
Please check this code...Using this code. we will get ip from mobile internet...
I don't do Android, but I'd tackle this in a totally different way.
Send a query to Google, something like:
And refer to the HTML field where the response is posted. You may also query directly to the source.
Google will most like be there for longer than your Application.
Just remember, it could be that your user does not have internet at this time, what would you like to happen !
Good Luck
I used following code: The reason I used hashCode was because I was getting some garbage values appended to the ip address when I used
. ButhashCode
worked really well for me as then I can use Formatter to get the ip address with correct formatting.Here is the example output :
:***** IP=fe80::65ca:a13d:ea5a:233d%rmnet_sdio0
:***** IP=
As you can see 2nd methods gives me exactly what I need.