I am having problems trying to serialise a vector (std::vector) into a binary format and then correctly deserialise it and be able to read the data. This is my first time using a binary format (I was using ASCII but that has become too hard to use now) so I am starting simple with just a vector of ints.
Whenever I read the data back the vector always has the right length but the data is either 0, undefined or random.
class Example
std::vector<int> val;
Example example = Example();
size_t size = sizeof BinaryExample + (sizeof(int) * example.val.size());
std::fstream file ("Levels/example.sld", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
if (file.is_open())
file.write((char*)&example, size);
BinaryExample example = BinaryExample();
std::ifstream::pos_type size;
std::ifstream file ("Levels/example.sld", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (file.is_open())
size = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
file.read((char*)&example, size);
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or what to do or be able to point me in the direction that I need to do?
I would write in network byte order to ensure file can be written&read on any platform. So:
You're using the address of the vector. What you need/want is the address of the data being held by the vector. Writing, for example, would be something like:
Read the other's answer to see how you should read/write a binary structure.
I add this one because I believe your motivations for using a binary format are mistaken. A binary format won't be easier that an ASCII one, usually it's the other way around.
You have many options to save/read data for long term use (ORM, databases, structured formats, configuration files, etc). The flat binary file is usually the worst and the harder to maintain except for very simple structures.
You can't unserialise a non-POD class by overwriting an existing instance as you seem to be trying to do - you need to give the class a constructor that reads the data from the stream and constructs a new instance of the class with it.
In outline, given something like this:
then serialise() would write the length of the vector followed by the vector contents. The constructor would read the vector length, resize the vector using the length, then read the vector contents: