I have this batch to kill some process typed of course by the user and it works 5/5 when the user for example typed Calc.exe with the extension, but my issue now is to improve this batch in order to add automatically with this program if the user has omitted to add extension .exe like Calc without extension .exe will not work.
@Echo off & cls
Mode con cols=72 lines=7
Set TmpFile=TmpFile.txt
Set Resultat=KillResult.txt
If Exist %TmpFile% Del %TmpFile%
If Exist %Resultat% Del %Resultat%
Title Process Killer by Hackoo 2015
cls & color 0B
echo Quel(s) processus voulez-vous fermer ?
set/p "process=Entrer le(s) nom(s) de(s) processus> "
cls & color 0C
Title Killing "%process%" ...
echo Killing "%process%" ...
echo %date% *** %time% >> %TmpFile%
For %%a in (%process%) Do Call :KillProcess %%a
Cmd /U /C Type %TmpFile% > %Resultat%
Start %Resultat%
Goto :Main
Taskkill /IM "%~1" /F >> %TmpFile% 2>&1
echo ***************************************************************************** >> %TmpFile%
So i'm focusing on this piece of code but no success ! this my little try :
Set str=%~1
set str=%str:~-4%
if %str%==".exe" (Taskkill /IM "%~1" /F >> %TmpFile% 2>&1) || (Taskkill /IM "%~1.exe" /F >> %TmpFile% 2>&1)
So how to do that in batch ?
Thank you !
Something like
set "process=%process%.exe"
instead ofgoto :loopMain
.Similar approach in case of multiple names typed in: check an correct user's input in a simple
for %%a in (%process%) do ...
loop.Just i want to share with you the hole script with a dynamic menu, perhaps it would be helpful for other people and thank you for all your contributions ;)
(Translated some french words to english)
EDIT 15/06/2015 : New Version : Adding Search for files using the command Where
If your files have never any other extension than
, you can use"%~n1.exe"
to get the filename with.exe
is just the filename without extension. Than add.exe
, and put quotes around it in case the filename contains a space.But this will fail if your executable is
, and the user enteredexample.program
. In this case the result of"%~n1.exe"
will be"example.exe"
. To avoid that, you have to check if the extension is.exe
. You can use%~x1
to get just the extension.See also Command Line arguments (Parameters) for more information.