How can I get the RGB value of a particular pixel in a UIImage?
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You can't access the raw data directly, but by getting the CGImage of this image you can access it. here is a link to another question that answers your question and others you might have regarding detailed image manipulation : CGImage
First of all create and attach tap gesture recognizer allow allow user interactions:
Now implement
This will works on UILabel with transparent background, if this is not what you want you can compare alpha, red, green, blue with
...Here's a generic method for getting pixel color in a UI image, building on Minas Petterson's answer:
Note that X and Y may be swapped; this function accesses the underlying bitmap directly and doesn't consider rotations that may be part of the UIImage.
Some Swift code based on Minas' answer. I've extended UIImage to make it accessible everywhere, and I've added some simple logic to guess the image format based on the pixel stride (1, 3, or 4)
Swift 3:
Updated for Swift 4:
Try this very simple code:
I used to detect a wall in my maze game (the only info that I need is the alpha channel, but I included the code to get the other colors for you):