I have an issue with Visual Studio when working on a multi device hybrid app. When I try do to an ajax call to an external webservice, and get some errors in ripple. (Cross Domain Security issues). My code works fine when deploying to a mobile device.
From research I found the following:
Ripple has its own proxy settings
- In Ripple, go to settings, and choose local, disabled, or remote (depending on your situation) on the proxy setting.
- This seemed to work for some people, but I now have a different error. (Bad Request)
I found more info that Chrome can be started in no web security mode, by means of a command line switch when you run it.
- The issue with this, is that Visual Studio seems to have hard coded the path to Chrome, that it uses to open ripple.
- I therefore cant start chrome in no web security mode...
I got this problem sorted by downloading and installing a chrome extension, that sets the web security setting 'on' and 'off'.
Link for the extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-control-allow-origi/nlfbmbojpeacfghkpbjhddihlkkiljbi?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog
All is good now, life can go on.
As an additional note to disabling Cross Domain Proxy in the Ripple emulator...
If you are calling an API, like Azure Mobile Apps API, dont forget to allow external calls to the API by setting the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" flag to "any".
In my scenario I am developing an Ionic v1 App using Azure Mobile App as the backend.
In web.config >>
I had exactly the same problem as Louis, but since Chrome 48 all the CORS extensions seem to have stopped working. I've come up with an alternative solution which I thought I'd share.
This shortcut will allow you to run Chrome with no web security, which allows CORS in Ripple. By using a shortcut this will not interfere with your normal use of Chrome. Now in order to use Ripple
Note that Visual Studio has just been used to launch Ripple. Debugging will need to take place using Chrome's Developer Tools.
Note also that you can double check that Chrome is using your shortcut flags by browsing to the url chrome://version/
Hope this helps!