We send some files across to a third party with a PHP cron job via FTP.
However sometimes we get the following error:
ErrorException [ 2 ]: ftp_put(): php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation
now in progress (115) ~ MODPATH/fileop/classes/Drivers/Fileop/Ftp.php [ 37 ]
When I say "sometimes" I mean exactly that; most times it goes across fine but about 1 in 5 times we get that error. It's not to do with the files themselves, because they will go happily if we try again.
We've found similar issues online - relating to a bug in PHP with NAT devices or to do with firewall configuration but again the implication is that if this were the case it would never work.
So, why would this work some times and not others?
So, I'm writing this answer after doing some investigation on my FTP server and reading the link you provided elitehosts.com.
I'm using FileZilla FTP server, and there is a specific setting that I had to enter to make it work. Going into the server settings, there is an area titled "Passive mode settings". In that dialog, there is an area titled "IPv4 specific", and within that area there is a setting labeled "External Server IP Address for passive mode transfers:". It's a radio button selection set, and it was on "Default", but since the FTP server is NAT'ed, I changed that radio selection from "Default" to "Use the following IP:" and entered in the external-facing IP address of my gateway provided by my ISP.
After I set this up, it worked! Not terribly sure if your FTP server is NAT'ed, but I thought I would provide the answer on this thread because it seems related.
In addition to Cees answer, I am running vsftp on ec2 and had to comment out the listen_ipv6=YES, listen=YES then "service vsftpd restart".
Although documentation says it will listen on ipv4 as well it wasn't and this resolved the issue.
FTP(S) uses random ports to set up data connections; an intermittent success rate indicates that not all ports are allowed by a firewall on the client and/or server machines. The port range for incoming (PASV) data connections can be set in the FTP server.
This page has a nice summary: