This is just a general PHP question. Does it help or hurt to have multiple <?php CODE ?>
in my scripts?
I was just looking at some of my scripts and noticed that some of them have 3-4 in it. Dont know if this is causing any slowness on my site or not :)
I guess you mean multiple PHP opening & closing tags.
Like in cases you want to echo a large block of HTML markup, it is always better to close the php tag ?> and then start it again when required. For example:
It actually improves the speed as the control will not parse all of the above large block and simply skip to the next < ? php tag or If end point, as compared to echoing all these lines.
You can read about this at documentation.
If you're using it embedded in html pages (and I think you are if you have multple PHP blocks), it is normal and I don't think there's a way to avoid it.
If you have an external script, there's no reason to have multiple blocks. Although I don't think it will impact performance.
No, it's not causing any slowness or problems. It's perfectly common to have dozens or hundreds of separate
<?php ?>
blocks in, it doesn't do any harm but if you are doing this for example:
You can use short tags (if it is enabled in your php configuration)
If you want to try and reduce the number of php tags then you could even echo your html like so: