Open cmd in a specific location Example D:/text And only show the files with the .txt extension Example
And add the function to select the text1 or 2 or 3 Using a numbers or something like
1- Text1.txt
2- Text2.txt
3- Text3.txt
And after selecting 1 or any, open the file with a specific program without changing the default app opening in windows (notepad) I wanna open the .txt file with sublime text editor (portable version)
And all this in a batch file.
You should at least show us what did you tried as code until now ! This a little starting to list text files with numbers and counting them :
EDIT : on 25/07/2016 @21:28
I download and setup Sublime Text 2 just for giving a try on my computer !
Upadte Version with Sublime Text 2
Edit on 28/07/2016 @14:15
Upadte version with sublime text 3 and listing files in sub-directories