I'm trying to achieve a view transition like the new iOS7 weather app transition, using a collapsing/expanding view.
Does anyone know if a lib already exist for that ?
I'm trying to achieve a view transition like the new iOS7 weather app transition, using a collapsing/expanding view.
Does anyone know if a lib already exist for that ?
An alternative to APPaginalTableView if you are looking to use the storyboard more and set subview controllers to the table. I was working on the same problem and this is my "playground" for it. https://github.com/nissaba/customcellTest.git
Check out this project. It demonstrates how to do the first part of the Weather app's transition using normal View Controllers and the transitioning API.
I know this is a little late for a follow up, but I've looked for a library to do this, as well, but haven't found one.
I was able to do this using the new UIViewController Transitioning API. This example should get you started:
To augment this example to get the pinch/pull table view cell separation animation you would need to identify the table view cell that was selected (or "selected" relative to the pinch gesture"), then in
you would animate the cells above and below the selected cell out of view, revealing your details view controller.User antol put some effort into replicating the behavior:
But note that APPaginalTableView doesn't have a separate controller for the expanded pages.
You can see it in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1YvxDMr0yA