I've been looking for a while for fluentd output plugin for tcp which is also ssl secured that doesn't force my receiver to be from a specific kind. In my case, my receiver is logstash.
Here are a few of the plugins which came close (close but no cigar):
Forward Output - not supporting ssl connection.
Secure Forward Output - sends data only to another fluentd receiver.
Some were https plugins and some were specific service plugins (which required a token/user/password of some kind).
Is there any other plugin i can use? maybe with some workaround?
After spending days on searching for an existing plugin, we decided that there is none and we shall write it our self!
fluent-plugin-loomsystems A fluentd output plugin for secured TCP forwarding :)
To add the plugin to your fluentd agent, use the following command:
To match events and send them anywhere you'd like, simply add the following code to your fluentd configuration file.
After a restart of Fluentd, all flunetd events will be sent to your host.
The plugin open ssl connection by default but can be configured to send on a non secured tcp mode.
We welcome you to star, suggest, and contribute the plugin, enjoy :)
@dorony : I was trying to use it but unable to make it work. I am running openshift-3.6.0 locally on docker containers. I added below configuration in fluentd.conf:
And below configuration in my logstash input.conf. However i am unable to receive any logs in logstash. Even there is no connection. I am not getting any error in fluentd logs.