I am working with Crystal Reports and MS SQL Server. I need to remap the crystal report to point to a different database on the same SQL Server. Is there an automated way of doing this, or do I have to remap for every single report? I am currently doing this by adding a new data connection, and then updating the stored procedure with the specified paramether to change database(catalog). Also, after remaping, the .asp that displays the report crashes like this:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0115 (0x80004005) A trappable error (E06D7363) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.
The code is:
Set mainReportTableCollection = Session("oRpt").Database.Tables
For Each mnTable in mainReportTableCollection
With mnTable.ConnectionProperties
.Item("user ID") = "<some_login_name>"
.Item("Password") = "<some_password>"
.Item("DSN") = "<some_DSN>"
.Item("Database") ="<some_Database>"
End With
It runs, however, if i comment out the last two assignations.
Thanks in advance.
Yours trully, Silviu.
You can get any of the info from the current report connection info. So if your not changing servers, then set the crystalServer variable to the reports current server.
You'll find hereafter the procedure I use (I simplified it on the fly, suppressing our own objects and global variables). This procedure allows to redirect a report from an original connection used at development time to the active SQL server. It is written in VB and uses 2 main objects:
This function (could be also a sub) is called before viewing/printing the report object in the application. It can be used when distributing reports among replicated databases where users, depending on their location, connect to different servers/databases.
It can be called with a procedure such as:
In case your report includes subreports, You might also have to redirect them to the active connection. In this case, you'll have to browse all objects in your report, check the ones that are of the report type and redirect them to the new connection. I am sure you'll have fun adding the corresponding extra lines to this original procedure.