I'm writing small application using JavaFX but I stuck with one problem.
I have fxml files:
and each of them has its own controller:
Where in MainPane is:
<GridPane fx:controller="model.MainController" fx:id="mainGrid"
xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" alignment="CENTER" gridLinesVisible="true">
<fx:include source="Stream.fxml"/>
<fx:include source="Play.fxml"/>
Play.fxml has this field:
<TextField fx:id="searchField" text="Search" onAction="#search"/>
now when action (enter button) if fired I want to access and change a label in Stream.fxml as follows:
public class PlayController implements Initializable {
private TextField searchField;
protected void search() {
String text = searchField.getText();
//how to access Label in StreamController
I would like to avoid binding like
MainPaneController <-> StreamController
MainController <-> PlayController
and access fields like:
because I hope there is some better way to do this.
You need to send your Fxmlloader from controller to other ,i mean create a method in playController to get your fxmloader from StreamController.
and in class that contain fxml loader add this line
Expose properties in the "nested" controllers StreamController and PlayController. Those controllers can bind the properties to the UI components they define as needed.
Then inject the nested controllers into MainController as described in the Nested Controllers section of the Introduction to FXML.
Update: Here's a more similar example, where the interacting controllers are both included in a common FXML.