Java 8: Lambda-Streams, Filter by Method with Exce

2019-01-02 16:46发布

I have a problem trying out the Lambda expressions of Java 8. Usually it works fine, but now I have methods that throw IOException's. It's best if you look at the following code:

class Bank{
    public Set<String> getActiveAccountNumbers() throws IOException {
        Stream<Account> s =  accounts.values().stream();
        s = s.filter(a -> a.isActive());
        Stream<String> ss = -> a.getNumber());
        return ss.collect(Collectors.toSet());

interface Account{
    boolean isActive() throws IOException;
    String getNumber() throws IOException;

The problem is, it doesn't compile, because I have to catch the possible exceptions of the isActive- and the getNumber-Methods. But even if I explicitly use a try-catch-Block like below, it still doesn't compile because I don't catch the Exception. So either there is a bug in JDK, or I don't know how to catch these Exceptions.

class Bank{
    //Doesn't compile either
    public Set<String> getActiveAccountNumbers() throws IOException {
            Stream<Account> s =  accounts.values().stream();
            s = s.filter(a -> a.isActive());
            Stream<String> ss = -> a.getNumber());
            return ss.collect(Collectors.toSet());
        }catch(IOException ex){

How can I get it work? Can someone hint me to the right solution?

2楼-- · 2019-01-02 17:34

Extending @marcg solution, you can normally throw and catch a checked exception in Streams; that is, compiler will ask you to catch/re-throw as is you were outside streams!!

public interface Predicate_WithExceptions<T, E extends Exception> {
    boolean test(T t) throws E;

 * .filter(rethrowPredicate(t -> t.isActive()))
public static <T, E extends Exception> Predicate<T> rethrowPredicate(Predicate_WithExceptions<T, E> predicate) throws E {
    return t -> {
        try {
            return predicate.test(t);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            return throwActualException(exception);

private static <T, E extends Exception> T throwActualException(Exception exception) throws E {
    throw (E) exception;

Then, your example would be written as follows (adding tests to show it more clearly):

public void testPredicate() throws MyTestException {
    List<String> nonEmptyStrings = Stream.of("ciao", "")
            .filter(rethrowPredicate(s -> notEmpty(s)))
    assertEquals(1, nonEmptyStrings.size());
    assertEquals("ciao", nonEmptyStrings.get(0));

private class MyTestException extends Exception { }

private boolean notEmpty(String value) throws MyTestException {
    if(value==null) {
        throw new MyTestException();
    return !value.isEmpty();

public void testPredicateRaisingException() throws MyTestException {
    try {
        Stream.of("ciao", null)
                .filter(rethrowPredicate(s -> notEmpty(s)))
    } catch (MyTestException e) {
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