How can I convert a range to a string (VBA)?

2019-01-20 02:42发布

What is the best way to convert a range of cells to a string? I have a function that only takes a string as input so I need to convert the range to a string, while retaining as much of the formatting as possible (i.e. it needs to look like a table or list, not just a string of characters). I've tried working with CStr(), as well as converting from a range to an array and then to a string, but I just get errors.

Edit: Code attempt

Dim email_answer As Integer
email_answer = MsgBox("Do you want to be emailled a copy of this schedule?", vbYesNo)
If email_answer = vbYes Then

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim to_send As Range
    to_send = Range("D3", "D10")

    If Val(Application.Version) < 14 Then Exit Sub

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    With wb
        MailFromMacWithMail body content:=CStr(to_send), _
                    mailsubject:="Schedule", _
                    toaddress:="email address", _
                    ccaddress:="", _
                    bccaddress:="", _
                    attachment:=.FullName, _
    End With
    Set wb = Nothing
End If

2楼-- · 2019-01-20 03:04

I know this question is already almost a year old, but I found a quick solution that works for me: You do have to create a reference to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library to use the DataObject.

Public Function GetStringFromRange(RNG As Range) As String
    Dim DOB As New MSForms.DataObject
    GetStringFromRange = DOB.GetText
End Function
3楼-- · 2019-01-20 03:04

You can use the following solution to convert a range to a string in VBA:

Sub convert()

Dim rng As Range, cell As Range

Dim filter As String

filter = ""

Set rng = Selection

For Each cell In rng

    If Not cell Is Nothing Then
        filter = """" & cell & """" & "," & filter
    End If

Next cell

End Sub
4楼-- · 2019-01-20 03:06

Any one of these functions will do it for you.

Function ConCatRange2(CellBlock As Range) As String
'for non-contiguous cells =ccr((a1:a10,c4,c6,e1:e5))
Dim Cell As Range
Dim sbuf As String
For Each Cell In CellBlock
If Len(Cell.Text) > 0 Then sbuf = sbuf & Cell.Text & ","
ConCatRange2 = Left(sbuf, Len(sbuf) - 1)
End Function


Function mergem(r As Range) As String
mergem = r.Cells(1, 1).Value
k = 1
For Each rr In r
    If k <> 1 Then
        mergem = mergem & "," & rr.Value
    End If
    k = 2
End Function


Function spliceUm(r As Range) As String
spliceUm = ""
For Each rr In r
spliceUm = spliceUm & rr.Value & ";"
End Function
5楼-- · 2019-01-20 03:09

you could use this function:

Function Rang2String(rng As Range) As String
    Dim strng As String
    Dim myRow As Range
    With rng
        For Each myRow In .Rows
            strng = strng & Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(myRow.value)), "|") & vbLf
    End With
    Rang2String = Left(strng, Len(strng) - 1)
End Function

which would return a string with linefeed character as range rows separator and pipes ("|") as columns separator

6楼-- · 2019-01-20 03:14

There is a much easier way. Assuming the variable rng is a range, then writing:

rng = Left(rng,Len(rng))

will miraculously turn rng into a string.

7楼-- · 2019-01-20 03:16

To make a comma separated list of cell values in a range:

Function RangeToString(ByVal myRange as Range) as String
    RangeToString = ""
    If Not myRange Is Nothing Then
        Dim myCell as Range
        For Each myCell in myRange
            RangeToString = RangeToString & "," & myCell.Value
        Next myCell
        'Remove extra comma
        RangeToString = Right(RangeToString, Len(RangeToString) - 1)
    End If
End Function

You could add extra functionality like inserting a semicolon instead of a comma if the row number increases.

To use this function:

Sub AnySubNameHere()
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A3:A10")

    Dim myString as String
    myString = RangeToString(rng)
End Sub
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