I wrote the following code to try and upload to two different servers one via ftp and one via sftp.
I would like to know if there is a better way to upload via SFTP because the current method as I have it doesn't trigger the FTP error if it fails on any part.
I guess a work around and something I would like to have is for both of them to log the output to a text file and then from that I can see what the error was manually and if I want setup a simple read log, check error, if x do y...
On Error GoTo Err_FTPFile
'Build up the necessary parameters
sHost = "ftp.server.com"
sUser = "user@server.com"
sPass = "password"
sSrc = """" + Environ("TEMP") + "\" + file + ".txt" + """"
sDest = "/remote/folder/"
'Write the FTP commands to a file
iFNum = FreeFile
sFTPCmds1 = Environ("TEMP") & "\" & "FTPCmd1.tmp"
Open sFTPCmds1 For Output As #iFNum
Print #iFNum, "ftp"
Print #iFNum, "open " & sHost
Print #iFNum, sUser
Print #iFNum, sPass
Print #iFNum, "cd " & sDest
Print #iFNum, "put " & sSrc
Print #iFNum, "disconnect"
Print #iFNum, "bye"
Close #iFNum
'Upload the file
Shell Environ("WINDIR") & "\System32\ftp.exe -s:" & sFTPCmds1
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))
'Build up the necessary parameters
sFTPDetails = "C:\psftp.exe -b C:\commands.tmp user@ex.server.com -pw password"
sSrc = """" + Environ("TEMP") + "\" + file + ".txt" + """"
sDest = "/remote/folder/"
'Write the FTP commands to a file
iFNum = FreeFile
sFTPCmds2 = sFolder & "\" & "commands.tmp"
Open sFTPCmds2 For Output As #iFNum
Print #iFNum, "cd " & sDest
Print #iFNum, "put " & sSrc
Print #iFNum, "quit"
Print #iFNum, "bye"
Close #iFNum
'Upload the file
Call Shell(sFTPDetails, vbNormalFocus)
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))
On Error Resume Next
Close #iFNum
'Delete the temp FTP command file
Kill sFTPCmds1
Kill sFTPCmds2
Kill Environ("TEMP") + file + ".txt"
GoTo ContinuePoint
Shell "C:\FailPushBullet.exe"
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & " Failed.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
GoTo ContinuePoint
' Do stuff
I ideally would like the SFTP one at the bottom to work and function exactly like the FTP one from above.
I tried the following and this runs:
sClient = "C:\psftp.exe"
sArgs = "user@website.com -pw passexample -b C:\commands.tmp"
sFull = sClient & " " & sArgs
sSrc = """" + Environ("TEMP") + "\" + "test" + ".txt" + """"
sDest = "folder"
'Write the FTP commands to a text file
iFNum = FreeFile
sFTPCmds = "C:\" & "commands.tmp"
Open sFTPCmds For Output As #iFNum
Print #iFNum, "cd " & sDest
Print #iFNum, "put " & sSrc
Print #iFNum, "quit"
Print #iFNum, "bye"
Close #iFNum
'Upload the file
Call Shell(sFull, vbNormalFocus)
But if I change the sArgs to sArgs = "user@website.com -pw passexample -b C:\commands.tmp 1> log.txt"
it doesn't run, it just closes without doing anything. I thought 1> log.txt
is supposed to put the output into a file
Is it a requirement to use Putty? I recommend WinSCP for FTP operations within VBA. There is actually a .NET assembly/COM library available for easy automation with VBA (even easier than my below example). That said, my corporate environment prohibits users from installing .NET/COM (for good reason), so I wrote my own code, simplified below.
To use the below, download the Portable executables from the above link as you will need WinSCP.com for the scripting.
This example has the following features:
Sub to upload the FTP and SFTP data:
Function to check the output log and return a message for the user:
Note: the actual code that I use is significantly more detailed, as it allows for more (S)FTP operations than uploading, uses an FTP class to utilize objects instead, and more. I think that goes a bit beyond a SO answer, but I am happy to post if it would be helpful.
OK.. after some trial and error finally I found the problem, with assumption that all value in given parameters is valid the problem are:
option beforeusername
(line 34
(line 34
not set or empty string (line 40
) - may cause a problem - file not foundCode on
line 34
:The right code should be:
As prevention may be you can generate your command using parameter/variable that described earlier in the code. Also there is a little hint to debug your code by write it directly to
value so later can be tested in command promptIf this code not running then may be something wrong with parameter values, to see that you can just copy paste value in
and run it manually from command prompt..and don't forget to comment outline 58
before debugging so the file needed not deleted