Can anyone say how to toggle flashlight in Windows Phone 8.1 using C#? It seems like there are lots of API changes in Windows Phone 8.1 and most of the API's in WP 8.0 are not supported. Answers are highly appreciated.
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In my Lumia 1520. I need to start video recording and start preview to get flashlight working:
I'm able to use TorchControl on my Lumia 820 like this - first you have to specify which camera you will use - the default is front (I think that's why you may find some problems) and we want the back one - the one with flash light. Sample code:
Note that it's a good idea to call
after you finish with it.Note also that on some phones to turn on torch/flashlight you will need to start preview first.
In Nokia Lumia 1520, you use FlashControl to toggle the flash light instead of TorchControl.
Windows Phone 8.1
is the first version with a dedicated API for controlling the camera light. This API stems from Windows 8.1 but is usable in Windows Phone 8.1 projects and in Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 projects.Note: Note: TorchControl.Supported returns false on most phones in WP8.1 developer preview. It is expected to be fixed by a firmware update by the time WP 8.1 is released. Tested Phones at the time of writing: Lumia 620, 822, 1020: not working, Lumia 1520: working.
Doesn't work on my Lumia 1520. You need to start video recording to get flashlight working: