I encounter some strange problem when I try to query all users from the "User" class It dos not find any Users
var query:PFQuery=PFQuery(className: "User");
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(objects: [AnyObject]!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if !(error != nil) {
for(var i=0;i<objects.count;i++){
var object=objects[i] as PFObject;
var name = object.objectForKey("username") as String;
I tried replacing
var query:PFQuery=PFQuery(className: "User");
var query:PFQuery=PFQuery(className: "AnotherClass");
and everything worked like i should. I think it must be something special about the "User" class
You cannot query users like that. Instead you need:
See Parse documentation:
User isn't the appropriate name for the User table. You need to use the following:
A more appropriate method is:
I've been stuck on this part of code too. I was able to query users and their data with this code:
try this ...