I'm creating a simple win32 program using c++, although I think i'm only using c in this app. I need to determine which HWND button was pressed on the app. I've searched msdn reference and it only told me HIWORD is the notification code, and LOWORD is the identifier, for the BN_CLICKED message. I've managed to get as far as determining when a button is clicked, but it only applies for all buttons. All my buttons are created in the WM_CREATE message. This is what i managed to whip up so far:
case: WM_CREATE:
HWND hPlus = CreateWindowEx( 0, L"BUTTON", L"+", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 130, 240, 35, 30, hwnd, ( HMENU )IDC_MENU, GetModuleHandle( NULL ), NULL );
HWND hEquals = CreateWindowEx( 0, L"BUTTON", L"=", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 170, 205, 65, 65, hwnd, ( HMENU )IDC_MENU, GetModuleHandle( NULL ), NULL );
switch( HIWORD( wParam ) )
MessageBox( hwnd, L"OK", "OK", MB_OK );
I've tried comparing hEquals to LOWORD( wParam ) but that gave me an error when compiling. I think I also tried comparing it to HIWORD and LOWORD of lParam as well, which also didn't compile. Now I'm clueless for what to do next.
You just need to look at the
it's the button handle:Though in your code, you'll need to keep the
's in global variables to do the comparison.You get the idea, I'm sure....
Give each button it's own ID, and pass it to CreateWindowEx in the hMenu parameter, which is used for that:
Then, in WM_COMMAND, you can test for the ID: