Trouble-shooting CORS in Play Framework 2.4.x

2019-01-19 14:59发布

I have a java play framework 2.4.x web app providing a JSON/HTTP API. When I run my front-end HTML/JS file:///Users/nize/tmp/index.html calling the API on http://localhost:9000 chrome shows

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:9000. 
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present 
on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore 
not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403.

I have configured the web app as per the instructions given in Play Framework 2.4.x CORS Documentation:

  • Update to build.sbt
  • Added the class Filters.javato the root of the project (also tried /app)
  • Added the following stanza to the application.conf

    play.filters.cors { allowedOrigins = ["*","http://localhost"] #allowedHttpMethods = ["GET", "POST"] #allowedHttpHeaders = ["Accept"] #preflightMaxAge = 3 days }

What am I missing?

Edit: The symptoms look identical or similar to Other very similar stackoverflow post. That problem was solved by reconfiguring Cisco AnyConnect VPN which was installed on the computer. I, however, don't have that software installed.

2楼-- · 2019-01-19 15:22

I think the CORS filter in Play does not work! I followed step by step as but somehow I always got HTTP-403 in the browser (Chrome and Firefox) in Ajax calls. Problem is I don't even get stacktrace on server side. I think DefaultHttpErrorHandler in the CORS filter somehow gulp that. In the response "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header was missing so I just manually added that.

class Filters @Inject() (corsFilter: CORSFilter, log: LoggingFilter) extends HttpFilters {
  def filters = {
    // CORS filter does not work
    //Seq(corsFilter, log)

This is the logging filter (Credit: Play! framework)

class LoggingFilter extends Filter {

  def apply(nextFilter: RequestHeader => Future[Result])(requestHeader: RequestHeader): Future[Result] = {

    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis

    nextFilter(requestHeader).map { result =>

      val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis
      val requestTime = endTime - startTime"${requestHeader.method} ${requestHeader.uri} " +
        s"took ${requestTime}ms and returned ${result.header.status}")

        "Request-Time" -> requestTime.toString,
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -> "*"   // Added this header
3楼-- · 2019-01-19 15:28

This will probably not solve the problem for the poster, but it solved the problem for me when I had the same symptoms, and I am posting it in case it can help others in the same situation.

I had actually misunderstood how CORS is working. I have two separate Play applications, one with a REST API and one with a web interface using the REST API. I followed the instructions in the documentation page mentioned in the question, but my mistake was that I did it on the web interface application. When I instead did it on the REST API application, it worked immediately.

4楼-- · 2019-01-19 15:30

I had the same problem while following the same documentation.

Problem is with this CORS filter that you have used:

allowedOrigins = ["*","http://localhost"]

If you want to allow all origins use:

allowedOrigins = null

Follow the same for allowedHttpMethods

This is as per the documentation

To quote:

The allowed origins. If null, all origins are allowed.

allowedOrigins = null

Hope this helps!

5楼-- · 2019-01-19 15:31
filters = "filters.Filters"

play.filters {

  cors {

    # The allowed origins. If null, all origins are allowed.
    allowedOrigins = null

    # The allowed HTTP methods. If null, all methods are allowed
    allowedHttpMethods = null

    # The allowed HTTP headers. If null, all  headers are allowed.
    allowedHttpHeaders = null


public class Filters implements HttpFilters {

    private CORSFilter corsFilter;

    public EssentialFilter[] filters() {
        return new EssentialFilter[] {

6楼-- · 2019-01-19 15:36

Does it work in Firefox? Chrome has some restrictions on running Ajax from local files, e.g., see this link. If it is Chrome-specific, you can start up Chrome with a command-line switch to remove the restriction.

7楼-- · 2019-01-19 15:38

I was experiencing a similar issue, I was getting 403's on requests. I solved a the problem by removing the:


that they use in their example configuration. I'm still not clear what the security implications of that are, however, so YMMV.

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