I am using the Google Feed JSAPI to read/parse a feed. The problem is, when the feed changes, the previous entries become invalid (links and images don't work) so I cannot load a cached version of the feed. I thought there would be an option when loading the feed to not use the cached version but I don't see one. My solution is to do add in a variable (t) to the end of the feed url so it is "unique" but this seems hacky (but it works). Anyone know of a better way to do it?
function onLoad() {
// Create a feed instance that will grab feed feed.
var feed = new google.feeds.Feed(feedLocation+"&t="+new Date().getTime());
// Request the results in XML (so that we can parse out all the info
//must set this - if you don't, it defaults to 4
// Calling load sends the request off. It requires a callback function.
This answer might be coming in late, but I came across this post and got the solution using
comment. For those who need to invalidate the cache, this will do it. Note that this code example is pulling other data from the RSS feed; modify for your needs.This code assumes you have this
on the page:try
It might solve your issue.