I have a site with about 1500 JPEG images, and I want to compress them all. Going through the directories is not a problem, but I cannot seem to find a function that compresses a JPEG that is already on the server (I don't want to upload a new one), and replaces the old one.
Does PHP have a built in function for this? If not, how do I read the JPEG from the folder into the script?
I prefer using the IMagick extension for working with images. GD uses too much memory, especially for larger files. Here's a code snippet by Charles Hall in the PHP manual:
The solution provided by vlzvl works well. However, using this solution, you can also overwrite an image by changing the order of the code.
This allows you to compress a pre-existing image and store it in the same location with the same filename.
you're not telling if you're using GD, so i assume this.
You will need to use the php gd library for that... Most servers have it installed by default. There are a lot of examples out there if you search for 'resize image php gd'.
For instance have a look at this page http://911-need-code-help.blogspot.nl/2008/10/resize-images-using-phpgd-library.html