Certificate is already installed on machine. Now I want to give read permission on PrivateKey of Certificate to application user.
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Here is the Answer.
Created a powershell script file AddUserToCertificate.ps1
Here is the content for script file.
Now run it as part of deployment. Example to running above script in powershell console window.
this example give read permission to user testuser1 on certificate that in installed in \LocalMachine\My and has thumb print 1fb7603985a8a11d3e85abee194697e9784a253
If you are using ApplicationPoolIdentity then you username will be 'IIS AppPool\AppPoolNameHere'
Note: You will need to use ' ' as there is a space between IIS and AppPool.
The above answer did not work for me as the
returned null. I managed to get access to the private key and assign 'Read' permissions for my Application Pool as follows:You can use WinHttpCertCfg.exe, a Certificate Configuration Tool Link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/winhttp/winhttpcertcfg-exe--a-certificate-configuration-tool
Some code example:
As an alternate to above script. You can use PowerShell module. I have not tried it myself but module looks good. http://get-carbon.org/index.html
Here is command to set permissions http://get-carbon.org/Grant-Permission.html