C# .NET multiline TextBox with same-width characte

2019-01-19 11:20发布

How can I make it so if you typed in a multiline textbox




So that the big E is directly below the little e.

I want them to line up vertically if they are in the same row.

Also, using winforms

2楼-- · 2019-01-19 11:56

You can do this by using a fixed width font. Courier family fonts are often fixed width.

You can set the font in the property editor for the textbox control. For example, you can st the Font property to Courier New, 8.25pt.

3楼-- · 2019-01-19 12:02

Try using a monospaced or fixed width fonts.

4楼-- · 2019-01-19 12:14

Can you just set the font on the textbox to a monospaced one?

In code, keeping the same size as the default font:

textBox.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, textBox.Font.Size);

Or just change the Font property in the designer.

5楼-- · 2019-01-19 12:20

Some fonts use different character widths for different characters. In such fonts an "m" will have a greater width than an "i". They are called proportional fonts. These fonts have a nicer-looking and are easier to read.

Fonts where all the characters have the same width are called monospaced fonts. They are often used for source code as they allow aligning features like line comments to right of the code.

Use a monospaced font!

Here is the code I use to get a list of all monospaced fonts installed:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace PE.Rendering {

    static class FontHelper {

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        class LOGFONT {
            public int lfHeight;
            public int lfWidth;
            public int lfEscapement;
            public int lfOrientation;
            public int lfWeight;
            public byte lfItalic;
            public byte lfUnderline;
            public byte lfStrikeOut;
            public byte lfCharSet;
            public byte lfOutPrecision;
            public byte lfClipPrecision;
            public byte lfQuality;
            public byte lfPitchAndFamily;
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
            public string lfFaceName;

        static bool IsMonospaced(Graphics g, Font f)
            float w1, w2;

                w1 = g.MeasureString("i", f).Width;
                w2 = g.MeasureString("W", f).Width;
                return w1 == w2;

        static bool IsSymbolFont(Font font)
            const byte SYMBOL_FONT = 2;

            LOGFONT logicalFont = new LOGFONT();
            return logicalFont.lfCharSet == SYMBOL_FONT;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tells us, if a font is suitable for displaying document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Some symbol fonts do not identify themselves as such.</remarks>
        /// <param name="fontName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static bool IsSuitableFont(string fontName)
            return !fontName.StartsWith("ESRI") && !fontName.StartsWith("Oc_");

        public static List<string> GetMonospacedFontNames()
            List<string> fontList = new List<string>();
            InstalledFontCollection ifc;

            ifc = new InstalledFontCollection();
            using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(1, 1)) {
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) {
                    foreach (FontFamily ff in ifc.Families) {
                        if (ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular) && ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Bold) 
                            && ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Italic) && IsSuitableFont( ff.Name)) {
                            using (Font f = new Font(ff, 10)) {
                                if (IsMonospaced(g,f) && !IsSymbolFont(f)) {
            return fontList;

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