I am trying to use a jQuery dataTable plugin. The problem is that the sort icon (this arrow which point in which direction data is actual sorted) is not displayed.
My code looks as follows:
"bPaginate": false,
"bFilter": false,
"oLanguage": { "sInfo": ""}
and Html:
<table class="surfClass" cellspacing="1" id="example">
<th width="120px">Name</th>
<th width="120px">The hourly rate (points)</th>
<th>Levels of referrals</th>
<th width="70px">Payout minimum</th>
I had the problem too. Just use their own configurator to setup all the options you want form here https://datatables.net/download/ they will generate exactly the
files you need. You then can either download or use their own hosted CDN for both filesI fixed the problem by wrapping the table header text in a