Is there any way to determine (programatically, of course) if a given pointer is "valid"? Checking for NULL is easy, but what about things like 0x00001234? When trying to dereference this kind of pointer an exception/crash occurs.
A cross-platform method is preferred, but platform-specific (for Windows and Linux) is also ok.
Update for clarification: The problem is not with stale/freed/uninitialized pointers; instead, I'm implementing an API that takes pointers from the caller (like a pointer to a string, a file handle, etc.). The caller can send (in purpose or by mistake) an invalid value as the pointer. How do I prevent a crash?
Regarding the answer a bit up in this thread:
My advice is to stay away from them, someone has already posted this one:
Another post on the same topic and by the same author (I think) is this one: ("IsBadXxxPtr should really be called CrashProgramRandomly").
If the users of your API sends in bad data, let it crash. If the problem is that the data passed isn't used until later (and that makes it harder to find the cause), add a debug mode where the strings etc. are logged at entry. If they are bad it will be obvious (and probably crash). If it is happening way to often, it might be worth moving your API out of process and let them crash the API process instead of the main process.
Following does work in Windows (somebody suggested it before):
static void copy(void * target, const void* source, int size) { __try { CopyMemory(target, source, size); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { doSomething(--whatever--); } }
The function has to be static, standalone or static method of some class. To test on read-only, copy data in the local buffer. To test on write without modifying contents, write them over. You can test first/last addresses only. If pointer is invalid, control will be passed to 'doSomething', and then outside the brackets. Just do not use anything requiring destructors, like CString.
On Unix you should be able to utilize a kernel syscall that does pointer checking and returns EFAULT, such as:
There's probably a better syscall to use than open() [perhaps access], since there's a chance that this could lead to actual file creation codepath, and a subsequent close requirement.
You know, a new driver (at least on Linux) that is capable of this probably wouldn't be that hard to write.
On the other hand, it would be folly to build your programs like this. Unless you have some really specific and single use for such a thing, I wouldn't recommend it. If you built a large application loaded with constant pointer validity checks it would likely be horrendously slow.
Take a look to this and this question. Also take a look to smart pointers.
Setting the pointer to NULL before and after using is a good technique. This is easy to do in C++ if you manage pointers within a class for example (a string):