I have a link on my website that says "Fullscreen Google Map". Once I click it, I load a google map into a 100% wide and 100% high position fixed div
container. When the link is clicked, I also add a #map as hash.
Is it possible to make the browser back button work with that? That is, if I click this link, I add #map to my current address. Once I click the back button, the #map hash is removed and the div
container with the google map is removed or hidden.
Is that somehow possible?
$('.showMapLink').live('click', function() {
$('#mapContainer').fadeIn('fast', function () {
top.location.hash = "map";
$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function( event ) {
$('#mapContainer').fadeOut('fast', function () {
Yes, it's possible (with recentish) browsers.
to add#map
to the current URL.Register an
event listener to look for changes, but note that when you set the tag, it also raises such an event. Hence you need to discard any event which contains the same hash as the one you just set.Alternatively, look at the jQuery history plugin, which has workarounds for older browsers.
A great resource and plugin to help with this is Ben Almans bbq plugin, It will help you set and read the hash part of the url (eg see
) and it provides ahashchange
event that works across browsers.Handle the
event and do your processing in there. You need to manually trigger the event the first time the page loads.Probably, half of your question is answered here: jQuery removing hash value from URL