How can I display JSON in an easy-to-read (for human readers) format? I'm looking primarily for indentation and whitespace, with perhaps even colors / font-styles / etc.
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Here is a simple JSON format/color component written in React:
See it working in this CodePen:
Hope that helps!
If you need this to work in a textarea the accepted solution will not work.
<textarea id='textarea'></textarea>
I ran into an issue today with @Pumbaa80's code. I'm trying to apply JSON syntax highlighting to data that I'm rendering in a Mithril view, so I need to create DOM nodes for everything in the
output.I split the really long regex into its component parts as well.
Code in context on Github here
If you use net.sf.json, you can pretty print as follows (using a 4 space indentation):
In case of displaying in HTML, you should to add a balise
It works well:
Read more here: