I am trying to compose a function of type (Floating a) => a -> a -> a
with a function of type (Floating a) => a -> a
to obtain a function of type (Floating a) => a -> a -> a
. I have the following code:
test1 :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a
test1 x y = x
test2 :: (Floating a) => a -> a
test2 x = x
testBoth :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a
testBoth = test2 . test1
--testBoth x y = test2 (test1 x y)
However, when I compile it in GHCI, I get the following error:
Could not deduce (Floating (a -> a)) from the context (Floating a)
arising from a use of `test2'
at /path/test.hs:8:11-15
Possible fix:
add (Floating (a -> a)) to the context of
the type signature for `testBoth'
or add an instance declaration for (Floating (a -> a))
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `test2'
In the expression: test2 . test1
In the definition of `testBoth': testBoth = test2 . test1
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Note that the commented-out version of testBoth
compiles. The strange thing is that if I remove the (Floating a)
constraints from all type signatures or if I change test1
to just take x
instead of x
and y
, testBoth
I've searched StackOverflow, Haskell wikis, Google, etc. and not found anything about a restriction on function composition relevant to this particular situation. Does anyone know why this is happening?
You're problem doesn't have anything to do with
, though the typeclass does make your error harder to understand. Take the below code as an example:What is the type of testBoth? Well, we take the type of
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
and turn the crank to get:b ~ Int
(the argument oftest2
unified with the first argument of(.)
)c ~ Int
(the result oftest2
unified with the result of the first argument of(.)
)a ~ Int
argument 1 unified with argument 2 of(.)
)b ~ Char -> Int
(result oftest1
unified with argument 2 of(.)
)but wait! that type variable, 'b' (#4,
Char -> Int
), has to unify with the argument type oftest2
). Oh No!How should you do this? A correct solution is:
There are other ways, but I consider this the most readable.
Edit: So what was the error trying to tell you? It was saying that unifying
Floating a => a -> a
withFloating b => b
requires aninstance Floating (a -> a)
... while that's true, you really didn't want GHC to try and treat a function as a floating point number.Your problem has nothing to do with
, but with the fact that you want to compose a function with two arguments and a function with one argument in a way that doesn't typecheck. I'll give you an example in terms of a composed functionreverse . foldr (:) []
.reverse . foldr (:) []
has the type[a] -> [a]
and works as expected: it returns a reversed list (foldr (:) []
is essentiallyid
for lists).However
reverse . foldr (:)
doesn't type check. Why?When types match for function composition
Let's review some types:
reverse . foldr (:) []
typechecks, because(.)
instantiates to:In other words, in type annotation for
reverse . foldr (:) []
has the type[a] -> [a]
.When types don't match for function composition
reverse . foldr (:)
doesn't type check though, because:Being the right operant of
, it would instantiate its type froma -> b
to[a] -> ([a] -> [a])
. That is, in:a
would be replaced with[a]
would be replaced with[a] -> [a]
.If type of
foldr (:)
wasa -> b
, the type of(. foldr (:))
would be:(
foldr (:)
is applied as a right operant to(.)
).But because type of
foldr (:)
is[a] -> ([a] -> [a])
, the type of(. foldr (:))
is:reverse . foldr (:)
doesn't type check, becausereverse
has the type[a] -> [a]
, not([a] -> [a]) -> c
!Owl operator
When people first learn function composition in Haskell, they learn that when you have the last argument of function at the right-most of the function body, you can drop it both from arguments and from the body, replacing or parentheses (or dollar-signs) with dots. In other words, the below 4 function definitions are equivalent:
So people get an intuition that says “I just remove the right-most local variable from the body and from the arguments”, but this intuition is faulty, because once you removed
,are not equivalent! You should understand when function composition typechecks and when it doesn't. If the above 2 were equivalent, then it would mean that the below 2 are also equivalent:
which makes no sense, because
is not a function withxs
as a parameter.x
is a parameter to functioni
, andxs
is a parameter to function(i x)
.There is a trick to make a function with 2 parameters point-free. And that is to use an “owl” operator:
The above two function definitions are equivalent. Read more on “owl” operator.
Haskell programming becomes much easier and straightforward, once you understand functions, types, partial application and currying, function composition and dollar-operator. To nail these concepts, read the following StackOverflow answers:
and typescurry
Read also:
These two things are not like each other.