I wanna make a crystal report in my c# windows application, the point is I want to use .net objects as my report datasource, I found its sample code as below in internet and use them and it works fine:
ArrayList Mainlst = new ArrayList();
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test1", Lastname = "test11" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test2", Lastname = "test21" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test3", Lastname = "test31" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test4", Lastname = "test41" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test5", Lastname = "test51" });
testCrystalReport rpt = new testCrystalReport ();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt;
But I want to send extra object for example school information for these repeated information, but I can't send this extra object, is there any solution that I can send multiple objects to the crystal report? Of course I know that I can use multiple datatable and dataset for a crystal report datasource but here I just want to use objects and IEnumerables as datasource of a crystal report.
When you do this on Design Mode, it tells you that it isn't supported.
Maybe with an Xref between datasources...
if you have many datasource such as 1.EmployeeClass 2.EmpployeeSkillClass
Do the following :
//Create instant of ReportDocument :
//Set datasource to each table. make sure that index of each table is collect
//(run on debug mode to find that tables[0] map with type Employee or EmployeeSkill)