I am having an issue with fixing the screen orientation for my index.html page only. I want to allow the app to rotate except on the home page. I understand that adding the following into you activity - android:screenOrientation="portrait" stops the screen from rotating.
However, I need to set this so it is page specific. I am using phonegap and therefore, need to stop my web view pages.
I tried calling the following activity within my manifest - com.phonegap.droidgap.index.html, however this did not work.
Could someone please advice me as to how I can define the fixed orientation for 1 page only?
Thanks in advance
You can use this PhoneGap Plugin for Android:
And add to your index.html page onload:
You can set the screen orientation from you code using for example
see http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#setRequestedOrientation%28int%29 . In the AndroidManifest.xml you can set it only as a global option.