For comparing an xml string value against multiple strings, I am doing the following.
<xsl:if test="/Lines/@name = 'John' or /Lines/@name = 'Steve' or /Lines/@name = 'Marc' " >
Can any one tell me, instead of using 'or' in the above case, how can I check whether a string is existing in an set of strings using xslt.
Other possiblity:
XPath 2.0 (XSLT 2.0)
In XSLT 1.0 you have the similar function
provided by EXSLT.Notice
This is not exact match against the string, but a regex match, which in your case seems appropriate anyway.
XSLT 2.0 only:
<xsl:if test="/Lines/@name = ('John', 'Steve', 'Marc')">
With XSLT 1.0 you can't write a literal expression representing a sequence of strings or a set of strings but if you know the literal values then you can construct a set of nodes e.g.
Yep - I use substring - put all your name in a string - xsl:variable - then if contains true, the name is there
XPath has a
some $x in (1,2,..) satisfies $x>10
expression that could be useful for this. See: space-separated words you can use
index-of(tokenize("list of allowed", "\s+"), "needle"))
to go with regular expressions, although I am pretty sure there is something smarter than this.Three ways of doing this:
.2. Test against an externally passed parameter. If the parameter is not externally set, and we are using XSLT 1.0, the
extension function needs to be used to convert it to normal node-set, before accessing its children.3. In XSLT 2.0 compare against a sequence of strings