I want my ListView to contain buttons, but setting the button's xml property, onClick="myFunction" and then placing a public void myFunction(android.view.View view) method in the activity causes an NoSuchMethodException (the stack trace is null) to be thrown, as although the onclick listener is there, it doesn't fire myFunction(...) and cause the activity to close.
How do I create a custom Adapter that connects a View.OnClickListener to a button on each row of a ListView?
My ListView is created as follows...
[activity.java content..]
public void myFunction(android.view.View view)
//Do stuff
[activity.xml content..]
<LinearLayout xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" tools:context=".FrmCustomerDetails" >
<ListView android:id="@+id/LstCustomerDetailsList" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="0dip" android:layout_weight="1" android:clickable="true" android:clipChildren="true" android:divider="@null" android:dividerHeight="0dp" android:fastScrollEnabled="true" android:footerDividersEnabled="false" android:headerDividersEnabled="false" android:requiresFadingEdge="vertical" android:smoothScrollbar="true" />
[activity_row_item.xml content..]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:id="@+id/Llt" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" >
<Button android:id="@+id/Btn" android:text="Click me" android:onClick="myFunction" />
First, the way of adding listeners in xml using onClick="function" is deprecated. You need a ViewHolder class to link the button in the xml to your java code. Then you can implement onClickListener for that.
1. Create a layout for a typical row
In this case, the row is composed of three view components:
pay_list_item.xml layout is as follows:
Note: the button has onClick handler defined in xml layout file, because we want to refer its action to a specific list item.
Doing this means that the handler will be implemented in Activity file and each button will know which list item it belongs to.
2. Create list item adapter
This is the java class that is the controller for pay_list_item.xml.
It keeps references for all of its views, and it also puts these references in tags, extending the ArrayAdapter interface.
The Adapter:
Here we list the Payment class items.
There are three most important elements here:
Payment.java is quite simple as for now and it looks a bit like BasicNameValuePair:
There are additional gets and sets for each private field not shown.
3. Add ListView to the activity layout xml file
In its simpliest form, it will be enough to add this view to activity layout:
4. Set up adapter to this list view in Activity Java code
In order to display items in ListView you need to set up its adapter and map it to some other ArrayList of Payment objects (as I am extending an Array adapter here). Here is code that is responsible for binding adapter to editPersonData.getPayments() ArrayList:
5. Adding / removing items to ListView (and its adapter)
Adapter is handled just like any other ArrayList, so adding new element to it is as simple as:
6. Handle Remove Payment button click event
In an activity’s code, where ListView is displayed, add public method that will handle remove button click action. The method name has to be exactly the same as it was in pay_list_item.xml:
The Payment object was stored in ImageButton’s Tag element. Now it is enough to read it from Tag, and remove this item from the adapter.
7. Incorporate remove confirmation dialog window
Probably you need also make sure that user intentionally pressed the remove button by asking him additional question in confirmation dialog.
a) Create dialog’s id constant
This is simply dialog’s ID. it should be unique among any other dialog window that is handled by current activity. I set it like that:
b) Build dialog
I use this method to build dialog window:
AlertDialog builder pattern is utilized here. I do not handle NegativeButton click action – by default the dialog is just being hidden. If dialog’s confirm button is clicked, my handleRemoveConfirm callback is called and action is performed based on dialog’s ID:
c) Show Dialog
I show dialog after my remove button click. The showDialog(int) is Android’s Activity’s method:
the showDialog(int) method calls onCreateDialog (also defined in Activity’s class). Override it and tell your app what to do if the showDialog was requested:
Take a look at this blog post I wrote on exactly this matter:
Create custom ArrayAdapter
There are comments that explain every action I make in the adapter. Here is the explanation in short:
So lets for example take a row where you want to place a
and aTextView
while all of them are clickable. Meaning that you can click the row it self for going to anotherActvity
for more details on the row, check its Check
Box or press theImageView
to perform another operation.So what you should do is:
1. First create an
XML layout
file for yourListView
row:2. Second in your java code define a
, aViewHolder
is designed to hold the row views and that way operating more quickly:3. Now we have to define
, using the array adapter we can define precisely what is the desired output for each row based on the content of this row or it’s position. We can do so by overriding the getView method:4. Now you need to set this adapter, as the adapter of your
. thisListView
can be created in java or using an XML file, in this case I’m using a list that was defined in the XML file using the “list” id:5. Finally if we want to be able to press the row it self and not only a certain view in it we should assign an
to theListView
:Inside your getView() implementation of CustomAdapter, you can try like below.