I asked this Can I automate creating a .NET web application in IIS? a little ago, and got solutions for IIS 6 and IIS 7:
- IIS6 :
iisweb /create C:\Rome "My Vacations" /d www.reskit.com /dontstart
- IIS7 :
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\AppCmd ADD SITE /name:MyNewSite /bindings:http/*:81: /physicalPath:c:\inetpub\mynewsite
but I've just got back to it the actual project, and it turns out that is I need to deploy on (shock-horror) IIS 5.1
Has anyone got any ideas?
To make it clear:
I want to use IIS, but I want to create the web application automatically (ideally batch file) without opening the IIS Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
You can access the IIS 5.1 metabase in VBScript, and this allows you to create a virtual directory. For example, this should set up a Virtual Directory called 'TestDir' that points to the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Test