Does anyone know of a good method for editing PDFs in PHP? Preferably open-source/zero-license cost methods. :)
I am thinking along the lines of opening a PDF file, replacing text in the PDF and then writing out the modified version of the PDF?
I have programmatically created PDF files in the past using FPDF, but found it a little unwieldy at times.
If you are taking a 'fill in the blank' approach, you can precisely position text anywhere you want on the page. So it's relatively easy (if not a bit tedious) to add the missing text to the document. For example with Zend Framework:
If you're trying to replace inline content, such as a "[placeholder string]," it gets much more complicated. While it's technically possible to do, you're likely to mess up the layout of the page.
A PDF document is comprised of a set of primitive drawing operations: line here, image here, text chunk there, etc. It does not contain any information about the layout intent of those primitives.
Zend Framework can load and edit existing PDF files. I think it supports revisions too.
I use it to create docs in a project, and it works great. Never edited one though.
Check out the doc here
I really had high hopes for dompdf (it is a cool idea) but the positioning issue are a major factor in my using fpdf. Though it is tedious as every element has to be set; it is powerful as all get out.
I lay an image underneath my workspace in the document to put my layout on top of to fit. Its always been sufficient even for columns (requires a tiny bit of php string calculation, but nothing too terribly heady).
Good luck.
The PDF/pdflib extension documentation in PHP is sparse (something that has been noted in - I reccommend you use the Zend library.
We use pdflib to create PDF files from our rails apps. It has bindings for PHP, and a ton of other languages.
We use the commmercial version, but they also have a free/open source version which has some limitations.
Unfortunately, this only allows creation of PDF's.
If you want to open and 'edit' existing files, pdflib do provide a product which does this this, but costs a LOT