Where can I find documentation about adding a context menu (EDIT: jumplist) to a windows 7 application? You know, when you right click on the application icon on the taskbar. Can I do that using .NET? Or do I need to use native code?
Thank you!
Where can I find documentation about adding a context menu (EDIT: jumplist) to a windows 7 application? You know, when you right click on the application icon on the taskbar. Can I do that using .NET? Or do I need to use native code?
Thank you!
If you mean the jumplist, you have to do it using WPF (.NET)
EDIT: See here
What I believe you are looking for is the Windows® API Code Pack and you want create a Jump List for your application.
NOTE: The above example is untested, but it should just work™.
I do not know how to make it a command that interacts with the active instance, e.g. like iTunes tasks. I suspect they do an inter-process communication to trigger those actions.