I am using NVD3 to display line chart here: http://jsbin.com/xodaxafiti/2/edit?js,output
But it seems like NVD3 auto-hide some tickLabels on XAxis, but only those ticks near the edge, i.e. 2-3Oct and 27-28Oct (except the first and last tick). I know that this is an auto-reduce because when I increase the width of chart, the ticks start to show up. However I find that this reducing behaviour weird, and the lineChart does not have reduceXTicks option like multiBarChart.
I want to be able to control the reducing behaviour myself like this:
var chart = nv.models.lineChart()
.margin({left: 80,top: 20,bottom: 120,right: 20});
chart.xAxis.ticks(function() {
return data[0].map(chart.x()).filter(function(d,i) {
i % Math.ceil(data[0].values.length / (availableWidth / 100)) === 0;
But it didn't work. Anyone has any idea how to control this?
In case you want to have both the boundary ticks and the ticks close to the boundary(MaxMin) values, you can modify the source.
In the nv.models.axis(), there is a buffer given when showMaxMin is true for a bottom/top orientation:
I just removed these buffers:
The reducing behavior works because the
set to true by default. Adding.showMaxMin(false)
fixes the problem: