Is there a Pythonic way to have only one instance of a program running?
The only reasonable solution I've come up with is trying to run it as a server on some port, then second program trying to bind to same port - fails. But it's not really a great idea, maybe there's something more lightweight than this?
(Take into consideration that program is expected to fail sometimes, i.e. segfault - so things like "lock file" won't work)
Update: the solutions offered are much more complex and less reliant than just having a port occupied with a non-existent server, so I'd have to go with that one.
linux example
This method is based on the creation of a temporary file automatically deleted after you close the application. the program launch we verify the existence of the file; if the file exists ( there is a pending execution) , the program is closed ; otherwise it creates the file and continues the execution of the program.
Here is my eventual Windows-only solution. Put the following into a module, perhaps called '', or whatever. Include that module directly into your __ main __ python script file.
The code attempts to create a mutex with name derived from the full path to the script. We use forward-slashes to avoid potential confusion with the real file system.
Never written python before, but this is what I've just implemented in mycheckpoint, to prevent it being started twice or more by crond:
Found Slava-N's suggestion after posting this in another issue ( This one is called as a function, locks the executing scripts file (not a pid file) and maintains the lock until the script ends (normal or error).
You already found reply to similar question in another thread, so for completeness sake see how to achieve the same on Windows uning named mutex.
Use a pid file. You have some known location, "/path/to/pidfile" and at startup you do something like this (partially pseudocode because I'm pre-coffee and don't want to work all that hard):
So, in other words, you're checking if a pidfile exists; if not, write your pid to that file. If the pidfile does exist, then check to see if the pid is the pid of a running process; if so, then you've got another live process running, so just shut down. If not, then the previous process crashed, so log it, and then write your own pid to the file in place of the old one. Then continue.