What are the best practices of creating war files (using eclipse) to run on tomcat? tutorials, links, examples are highly appreciated.
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**Making War file in Eclips Gaynemed of grails web project **
1.Import project:
2.Change the datasource.groovy file
Like this: url="jdbc:postgresql://"
2.chnge AppConfig.xml
3.kill the Java from Task Manager:
run clean comand in eclips
run 'prod war' fowllowed by project name.
Check the log file and find the same .war file in directory of workbench with same date.
Simpler solution which also refreshes the Eclipse workspace:
Another option would be to build it automatically using Eclipse. Of course if you have continuous integration environment Ant or Maven is recommended. The export alternative is not very convenient because you have to configure every time the export properties.
Enable "Project Archives" support; this might depend on your project (I used it on Java EE/Web project). Right-click project root directory; Configure -> Add Project Archives Support.
Go and create a new archive in the "Project Archives" top dir. You have only jar option, but name you archive *.war.
Configure Fileset-s, i.e what files to be included. Typical is to configure two filesets similar how the Web Deployment Assembly (project property) is configured.
You might need to tweek the fileset exclude property depending where you placed some of the config files or you might need more filesets, but the idea is that once you configured this you don't need to change it.
Build the archive manually or publish directly to server; but is also automatically built for you by Eclipse
Use ant build code I use this for my project SMS
Simplistic Shell code for creating WAR files from a standard Eclipse dynamic Web Project. Uses RAM File system (/dev/shm) on a Linux platform.
A war file is simply a jar file with a war extension, but what makes it work is how the contents is actually structured.
The J2EE/Java EE tutorial can be a start:
And the Servlet specification contains the gory details:
If you create a new web project in Eclipse (I am referring to the Java EE version), the structure is created for you and you can also tell it where your Appserver is installed and it will deploy and start the application for you.
Using the "Export->WAR file" option will let you save the war file.