This is a simplified example to illustrate the question:
class A {};
class B
B(A& a) : a(a) {}
A& a;
class C
C() : b(a) {}
A a;
B b;
So B is responsible for updating a part of C. I ran the code through lint and it whinged about the reference member: lint#1725. This talks about taking care over default copy and assignments which is fair enough, but default copy and assignment is also bad with pointers, so there's little advantage there.
I always try to use references where I can since naked pointers introduce uncertaintly about who is responsible for deleting that pointer. I prefer to embed objects by value but if I need a pointer, I use auto_ptr in the member data of the class that owns the pointer, and pass the object around as a reference.
I would generally only use a pointer in member data when the pointer could be null or could change. Are there any other reasons to prefer pointers over references for data members?
Is it true to say that an object containing a reference should not be assignable, since a reference should not be changed once initialised?
I advise against reference data members becasue you never know who is going to derive from your class and what they might want to do. They might not want to make use of the referenced object, but being a reference you have forced them to provide a valid object. I've done this to myself enough to stop using reference data members.
As everyone seems to be handing out general rules, I'll offer two:
Never, ever use use references as class members. I have never done so in my own code (except to prove to myself that I was right in this rule) and cannot imagine a case where I would do so. The semantics are too confusing, and it's really not what references were designed for.
Always, always, use references when passing parameters to functions, except for the basic types, or when the algorithm requires a copy.
These rules are simple, and have stood me in good stead. I leave making rules on using smart pointers (but please, not auto_ptr) as class members to others.
Yes to: Is it true to say that an object containing a reference should not be assignable, since a reference should not be changed once initialised?
My rules of thumb for data members:
My own rule of thumb :
Objects rarely should allow assign and other stuff like comparison. If you consider some business model with objects like 'Department', 'Employee', 'Director', it is hard to imagine a case when one employee will be assigned to other.
So for business objects it is very good to describe one-to-one and one-to-many relationships as references and not pointers.
And probably it is OK to describe one-or-zero relationship as a pointer.
So no 'we can't assign' then factor.
A lot of programmers just get used with pointers and that's why they will find any argument to avoid use of reference.
Having a pointer as a member will force you or member of your team to check the pointer again and again before use, with "just in case" comment. If a pointer can be zero then pointer probably is used as kind of flag, which is bad, as every object have to play its own role.
Yes. Readability of your code. A pointer makes it more obvious that the member is a reference (ironically :)), and not a contained object, because when you use it you have to de-reference it. I know some people think that is old fashioned, but I still think that it simply prevent confusion and mistakes.