I am using TCPDF Library Version: 5.9.011. I am trying to execute HTML layout as PDF. For which I tried with example provide with the site
$html = '<h1>HTML Example</h1>
Some special characters: < € € € & è è © > \\slash \\\\double-slash \\\\\\triple-slash
// output the HTML content
$pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
//Close and output PDF document
$pdf->Output('example_006.pdf', 'I');
Apparently found that generated PDF only default header and footer with middle content blank.
However if I remove special characters like:
$html = '<h1>HTML Example</h1>
Some special characters:
PDF gets its middle content as specified in $html
You are using latest version of TCPDF.Follow steps mentioned here. It should work
you need to change constructor, Set UTF-8 flase and change new charshet like below:
In above example, I set encoding ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8 and I change true to false.
You can put the text in a variable and use a php function to convert
example for UTF-8 caracter
for other function use php reference guide
I also had a similar issue. I had a to generate a pdf from a HTML file with multiple lists and a tick symbol as a bullet point.
I tried all these solutions but none worked, I had to used a picture, but it was slowing down the process. Finally I came accross this: http://www.tcpdf.org/examples/example_055.pdf, at the very end there is a "zapfdingbats" font with a lot of symbols.
So I replaced all my tick images by :
and set the font of this element tofont-family="zapfdingbats"
, and it worked.It is a bit hacky, but it works well.As already mentionned by other persons you need to change the constructor, Set UTF-8 flase and change new charshet like below:
Only changing this won't always prevent getting a blank page. To prevent getting a blank page: change your font type to 'helvetica' or other.
It works!
For me, this fixed the problem :
I hope it will help someone