How to convert AVAudioPCMBuffer
to NSData
? If it should be done as
let data = NSData(bytes: buffer.floatChannelData, length: bufferLength)
then how to calculate bufferLength
And how to convert NSData
to AVAudioPCMBuffer
How to convert AVAudioPCMBuffer
to NSData
? If it should be done as
let data = NSData(bytes: buffer.floatChannelData, length: bufferLength)
then how to calculate bufferLength
And how to convert NSData
to AVAudioPCMBuffer
Copying the buffers is much easier if you copy via the audioBufferList API's. This also works no matter what the format is of the actual buffer.
Buffer length is frameCapacity * bytesPerFrame. Here are functions that can do conversion between NSData and AVAudioPCMBuffer.