Thanks in advance for any comments. I have just started to switch from Zend Framework 1 to ZF2 and after running through the quick start and several other tutorials I noticed that there is a short coming with the 'default' way to use phpunit. Either that or I am just lost and confused.
The folder structure for a default project is
| - config
| | - autoload
| | | - global.php
| | | - local.php.dist
| | - application.config.php
| - data
| - module
| | - Application
| | | - config
| | | - src
| | | - test
| | | | - ApplicationTest
| | | | - Bootstrap.php
| | | | - phpunit.xml
| | | | - TestConfig.php.dist
| | | - view
| | | - Module.php
| | - Album
| | | - config
| | | - src
| | | - test
| | | | - AlbumTest
| | | | - Bootstrap.php
| | | | - phpunit.xml
| | | | - TestConfig.php.dist
| | | - view
| | | - Module.php
| - public
| - vendor
My question is this how do I use Jenkins with ANT to test all of the phpunit test suites. I understand the reason behind testing each module individually but how can I properly automate that to get one report.xml back. And it would be even better if I didn't need to specify each module in a phpunit config. or the build.xml.
Again thank you for any comments.
Well, I use the following structure. I have all tests inside tests folder and I structure the tests in the same way as modules are structured:
PHPUnit configs can look something like this (simplified example, add whitelist, filters, coverage etc according to your needs):
Example of phpunit-ci.xml:
In build.xml it's easy:
I forgot to answer my own question when I figured it out I apologize to the community that I forgot... but for everyones benefit here is how I got it to work.
And the phpunit.xml for each module