What is the difference between KineticJS draw meth

2019-01-18 11:33发布

What is the difference between KineticJS methods layer.draw(), layer.drawScene() and layer.drawHit()?

2楼-- · 2019-01-18 11:46

Have a look at the source (v4.3.1), l. 3381ff. These are defined on a Kinetic.Container.

    draw: function() {
    drawScene: function(canvas) {
        // do stuff
    drawHit: function() {
        // do stuff

The drawScene is used to draw the shapes onto the drawing canvas.

The drawHit (see example) is used to allow to modify the region where mouse events trigger events. This is done internally using a special Kinetic.HitCanvas.

Update: You can find the code inside their Github repository. draw() can be found in Node.js, the other two inside Container.js

Please be aware that Eric discontinued KineticJS.

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