How do you set the column spacing with a RecyclerView using a GridLayoutManager? Setting the margin/padding inside my layout has no effect.
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There is only one easy solution, that you can remember and implement wherever needed. No bugs, no crazy calculations. Put margin to the card / item layout and put the same size as padding to the RecyclerView:
For those who have problems with staggeredLayoutManager (like
recyclerView's methods:
sometimes return -1 as index so we might face troubles setting itemDecor. My solution is to override deprecated ItemDecoration's method:
instead of the newbie:
like this:
Seems to work for me so far :)
Try this. It'll take care of equal spacing all around. Works both with List, Grid, and StaggeredGrid.
The updated code should handle most of the corner cases with spans, orientation, etc. Note that if using setSpanSizeLookup() with GridLayoutManager, setting setSpanIndexCacheEnabled() is recommended for performance reasons.
Note, it seems that with StaggeredGrid, there's seems to be a bug where the index of the children gets wacky and hard to track so the code below might not work very well with StaggeredGridLayoutManager.
Hope it helps.
thanks edwardaa's answer
Another point to note is that:
if total spacing and total itemWidth are not equal to the screen width, you also need to adjust itemWidth, for example, on adapter onBindViewHolder method
I ended up doing it like that for my RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager and HeaderView.
In the code below I set a 4dp space between every item(2dp around every single item and 2dp padding around the whole recyclerview).
This will work for
with header as well.