How do I convert tabs to spaces in Notepad++?
I found a webpage that suggests it's possible, but I couldn't find any information about how to do it.
I would like to be able to do that, because some web forms don't respect code with tabs in them.
How do I convert tabs to spaces in Notepad++?
I found a webpage that suggests it's possible, but I couldn't find any information about how to do it.
I would like to be able to do that, because some web forms don't respect code with tabs in them.
In version 5.8.7:
Menu Settings -> Preferences... -> Language Menu/Tab Settings -> Tab Settings (you may select the very language to replace tabs to spaces. It's cool!) -> Uncheck Use default value and check Replace by space.
Settings > Preferences > Tab Settings Check the "replace by space". Notice above it there is Tab size: 4 Click on the four and a window will open with the option to change the value to another integer.
Put in your desired integer and press the ENTER key.
There you have it <3.
The following way is the best way in my opinion: