I want to give the effect that the ListView has faded from whatever is around it. By default it is set to whatever colour your ListView is. I can adjust the orientation of the FadingEdge and the size of the FadingEdge but not the colour. Is it possible?
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Yes you can !
You'll need to create a new class that extends ListView.
You can use this list view identically to a normal
(though you'll have to cast it properly to use the fadeColor accessor methods). In your XML, instead of defining an object as<ListView android:properties.../>
define it as<com.mypackage.ColorFadeListView android:properties.../>
You can try this (it's a hack, I know):
I took advantage of the fact that the glow effect is actually a shared Drawable and applied a filter on it: http://evendanan.net/android/branding/2013/12/09/branding-edge-effect/