I have declared a string in my strings.xml file , and using it in my activity as R.string.compose_title. (setting it as title i.e. setTitle(R.id.compose_title)). Now in some case I want to edit the string and then use it to set the title . How can I do this ?
P.S. I need to change value of a single string only , So declaring a new strings.xml for each case(which are variable depending upon the user) using localization seems to be a lil inefficient .
Use SharedPreferences inistead of a Java class. It will give you more versatility if you decide to take values from the outside (web). Filling Java class in runtime can be useless offline. In case of SharedPreferences you have to ensure they are loaded only once, during app's first start, and then updated only by manual request, as previous import will be used.
I had a situation like this, where one of my strings.xml values had some dynamic piece of it. I set up the strings.xml with a "replacement text" (something like
), and when I wanted to use that string programatically, I retrieved the string value of the resource, and replaced instances of that replacement text with the dynamic value (e.g. input by the user).To be honest, my app has not been localized yet, but I'm still attempting to follow best practices w.r.t. not hardcoding any strings.
I don't think you can programmatically customize the R class as it is built by ADT automatically.
example howto:
how? by changing one variable reference to other reference
base methods:
helper methods :
ps the above solution is good for example when u want to inject some data in already compiled lib/jar. But if u want localize strings just make folder under res per LANG CODE like values-CC where cc is lang code (values-de,values-cs) etc
then u have 2 choices:
like this:
Maybe you want to "modify" the string.xml so when it is required by the activity again it uses the new value, for example to keep a new dynamic title after screen rotation.
First, you can't modify the resource. It's already compiled. You can't modify the R class (what for?) all it's atributes are "final".
So, for the example above you can use onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() for those properties you wanna keep on display.
According to my knowledge, you can't change resource value(R class value) while app running. why don't try to store on shared preference? I recommend you to use shared preference