I need to send some string data from my one application activity to my other application activity in android and not between the activities within the same application. How to do that? What intent filters my other application need to declare? Please try to elaborate with example.....
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Here is the tutorial for sending and receiving content between applications. check it once
As far as I could understand from your answer you're looking for intents:
On the manifest of App A - Activity Alpha you declare a intent filter with Category DEFAULT and Action =
The on App B, Activity Beta you put the code to launch A and pass the data:
Then back on App A - Activity Alpha you put the code:
Use Shared Preferences. Set Mode to MODE_WORLD_READABLE
If you're concerned with only a small amount of data, Android provides a SharedPreferences class to share preferences between applications. Most notably, you can add OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener to each application so they can be notified when the other changes the value.
Most importantly, you can't ensure that both applications are running
You can find more information on http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/data-storage.html