To read/write binary files, I am using DataInputStream/DataOutputStream, they have this method writeByte()/readByte(), but what I want to do is read/write bits? Is it possible?
I want to use it for a compression algorithm, so when I am compressing I want to write 3 bits(for one number and there are millions of such numbers in a file) and if I write a byte at everytime I need to write 3 bits, I will write loads of redundant data...
Afaik there is no function for doing this in the Java API. However you can of course read a byte and then use bit manipulation functions. Same goes for writing.
If you are just writing bits to a file, Java's BitSet class might be worth a look at. From the javadoc:
You are able to convert BitSets to long[] and byte[] to save data to a file.
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Please take a look at
This is a small handy library for reading/writing arbitrary length of bits with Java.